Sociodrama is Moreno's term for the application of psychodrama techniques to group, community, or organizational situations. It is a broad term that can probably be used to subsume all the other categories. The following definition is by Pat Sternberg of Hunter College:
"Sociodrama concerns itself with group issues. It is a group action method in which participants act out an agreed upon social situation spontaneously and discover alternative ways of dealing with that problem. It concerns itself with those aspects of roles that we share with others and helps people to express their thoughts and feelings, solve problems, and clarify values. Unlike simple role playing, sociodrama employs many specific techniques to deepen and broaden the action of the enactment. Some of these are: doubling, soliloquy, and mirroring."
In Fall 1996, a Sociodrama Training Group will be conducted in NYC by Pat Sternberg on Wednesday evenings from 6:15-8 PM, From Dec. Contact Pat for info, location, and fees: (212)772-4228 or (215)886-6884
For a fuller description, read Sociodrama: Who's in Your Shoes? by Patricia Sternberg and Antonina Garcia, Praeger 1989.
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